About TAN

The Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Association of Neurologists was formed with a specific mission. To create a body for the exchange of Experiences in the field of Neurology ,to understand and explore the knowledge in Neurosciences for the welfare of the Patients and to have a forum to discuss the topics of common interest. TAN will keep the lamp of Neurosciences to give more light to academic darkness and to show light to younger Neurologists,the path leading to better delivery of Neurological services. The Association was formed in Thanjavur with the whole hearted support of all members and from that day onwards it is growing day by day with more Neurologists.The Annual ritual of meeting as TANCON has given several inputs for the members and will form the basis for the growth of the Association. No organization will grow without effective participation of members -the point well known to all members and every year more and more members are contributing to the welfare of the Association.

TAN EC Members